Courses 2022/2023

Courses taught in the first semester (NovemberDecember 2022)

Instructors Courses Period
Moretto Enrico Introduction to MATLAB โ€“ 8h November
Mastrogiacomo Elisa An introduction to risk measures and portfolio optimization โ€“ 10h November โ€“ December
Hitaj Asmerilda Optimization with applications to finance and economics โ€“ 16h November โ€“ December
Tanda Alessandra Introduction to STATA โ€“ 10h November โ€“ December
Vezzulli Andrea
Porro Giuseppe
Castelnovo Paolo
Sonedda Daniela
Applied econometrics: causality and policy evaluation โ€“ 20h November โ€“ December
Caverzasi Eugenio Introduction to Macro AB models โ€“ 10h December
Vinogradov Dmitri Experimental methods in Economics and Finance โ€“ 6h December
Martinoli Mario Calibration, validation and inference for complex simulation models December
Mรผller Matthias
(U. Hohenheim)
Agent-Based Modelling (ABM) in innovation economics (elective) โ€“ 20h October โ€“ November

Courses taught in the second semester (FebruaryMarchAprilMay 2023)

Instructors Courses Period
Marsiglio Simone
Economic Growth Theory โ€“ 8h February, 20th
Brambilla Carlo
Sidki Marcus
(U. Ludwigshafen)
Joanna Dzionek-Kozlowska (U. Lodz)
History of decision making โ€“ 12h March
Gigliarano Chiara
Thach Kateryna
Multidimensional approaches for measuring well-being and poverty โ€“ 10h
Income inequality: patterns, measurement, and spatial dimension โ€“ 4h
Vanni Fabio Networks: Theory and Applications โ€“ 10h May
Rocca Matteo Preferences, Utility and Optimization โ€“ 20h April โ€“ May
Robone Silvana
Prado Ariadna Garcรญa
A. Perez Alonso
Applied econometrics: Health Economics โ€“ 15h April โ€“ May
Galmarini Umberto The economics of altruistic decisions and charitable giving โ€“ 10h April
Maggi Elena
Crotti Daniele
Transport decision making and sustainability โ€“ 14h April โ€“ May
Secchi Davide Topics in Cognitive Economics (8h) May
Instructors Seminar courses (without final examination) Period
Massini Silvia Becoming a researcher: Navigating the publication process โ€“ 4h April, 19th
Mendonรงa Sandro
What can we learn from editormetrics? Data, approaches, insights. โ€“ 4h April, 14th
Paterson Audrey Advice tips of PhD students
Introduction to the research process โ€“ 4h
Instructors Elective courses Period
Moscati Ivan
Joanna Dzionek-Kozlowska
(U. Lodz)
Decision theories, classical and behavioral (elective) โ€“ 20h February-
Gamba Astrid
Behavioral and experimental economics

(elective) โ€“ 20h
Vezzulli Andrea Seminar in Machine Learning and Big Data Analysis (elective) โ€“ 40h February, 20thโ€“
May, 18th
